Remove a payment method

If you no longer want to make payments using a credit card or bank account in your Complyfile billing account, remove the payment method from your account.

You can't remove your primary payment method without first assigning another primary payment method, to ensure your continuity of service. Your billing account must always have a primary payment method for making automatic payments. To remove a payment method that's currently used for automatic payments, you must first assign another primary payment method.

To remove a payment method:

  1. Sign in to the Complyfile Admin dashboard.
  2. Click Billing.3.Next to your subscription, Access billing account.
  3. At the top of your Billing page, click Billing settings.
  4. Scroll to the credit card or bank account you want to remove and click its Remove link.

Is the Remove link not available? This means that the payment method is currently being used for automatic payments and can't be removed. Before you can remove it, assign another primary payment method. After that, the Remove link becomes available and you can remove the payment method.

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