What is Direct Debit?

(Only available in the US, UK, and some European countries).See Payment options in my country

Depending on the country where you do business, you might be able to make payments via bank transfers (sometimes called direct debit). If you make a bank account your primary payment method, we'll debit the account for your automatic payments.

Where direct debit is available in a country, we make this the mandatory payment route, as direct debit decreases Complyfile's internal administrative costs.

A direct debit is an instruction from a customer to their bank or building society, authorising an organization like Complyfile (known as an originator) to collect variable or fixed amounts from their account, as long as the customer is given advance notice of the collection amounts and dates.

The payer authorises the originator to collect the payment from the payer's bank account by completing a Direct Debit Instruction (DDI), by giving the instruction over the phone or on-line. Once the payer has returned the instruction to the originator, the payer need take no further action. If the instruction is given over the phone the originator must confirm the details in writing to the payer.

The payment is collected by the originator's bank, which submits a direct debit collection file to the bank of the payer for processing.

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