What’s your Website Terms of Use?

When you visit our website, this is the document that deals with that visit. These are the Terms of Use for the website, not for usage of the Complyfile software. For that, see the End User Licence Agreement.

With a nod in the direction of attorney Jeremy Aber who wrote this blog post, this is what we want you feel about our Website Terms of Use document:

  • The Complyfile team's serious about this whole volunteer recruitment thing.
  • I understand Complyfile's pricing, licensing and services model. It's simple.
  • I like the way Complyfile seems to be transparent about how they work, and about their revenue model.
  • They look like they know what they're doing.
  • I bet they have a lot of customers.
  • It looks they approved this document internally and it hasn't just been rolled out by a law firm.
  • I don't see any tricks in here.
  • This looks and feels fair, and I'm happy for us to agree to it.

Check out our Website Terms of Use document.

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