How do I delete permanently a volunteer's record and data?

If you decide you want to delete an applicant or a volunteer's record from your Complyfile, then follow the steps in this help article.

Data Deletion Warning


Data Deletion Warning

WARNING: deletion of a volunteer's record is a permanent irrecoverable action, and should only be done if you are sure that you want to take this step.

Note that all data, records, files and documents uploaded and associated to the person whose record you want to delete, will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.

Before deleting, we therefore recommend you double-check if you want to retain a paper copy of the records. If you do want to retain a copy, ensure that you print the documents from either the Print Form buttons, or by printing the volunteer's profile from your web browser, or by printing and saving any of the documents previously uploaded to their profile page.

Toolkit > Manage > Manage Volunteers

Your Volunteer List

Search for the volunteer whose profile you want to delete:

Search for a volunteer

From the + button by the person's name, you can take a number of actions:

Delete Volunteer

If you want to irrevocably and permanently delete the volunteer's records from your Complyfile:

  • under Manage Volunteers, type their name in the Search field
  • click the + button, and then
  • click 'Delete Volunteer'.

Confirm Deletion


Data Deletion Warning

WARNING: deletion of a volunteer's record is a permanent irrecoverable action, and should only be done if you are sure that you want to take this step.

Note that all data, records, files and documents uploaded and associated to the person whose record you want to delete, will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.

Before deleting, we therefore recommend you double-check if you want to retain a paper copy of the records. If you do want to retain a copy, ensure that you print the documents from either the Print Form buttons, or by printing the volunteer's profile from your web browser, or by printing and saving any of the documents previously uploaded to their profile page.

Clicking the 'Delete Volunteer' option, which will bring a pop up warning box, reminding you that this is a permanent action which you cannot undo, and asking you to confirm your intention to delete the person's records, documents, and all associated data.

To confirm permanent deletion:

  1. read the warning
  2. check it's the right person you're deleting
  3. If it is, type the word DELETE in capital letters into the empty text box
  4. Click the Yes, permanently delete button

History Record

A record of the Organisation Administrator having carried out this deletion will be recorded in the History list on your Dashboard. If you search for the person's name in your list of volunteers, no result will be returned as their data will have been expunged from the database. A audit log of actions taken is retained in the Complyfile database however this is not associated to any personally identifiable data.

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