Can I add our logo to our Complyfile?

Yes and no.

The 'yes' bit is that you can upload your logo into the settings section of your Complyfile account, by following the instructions below. The 'no' bit is that at present we don't use the logo in your Complyfile, but will let you know if we decide to do so going forward. So this bit is basically like a 'holding section' for your organisation logo, so it's easy to locate for use in the creation or amendment of your organisational documents that you attach to your emails as and when required.

  • Go to the Settings gearwheel at the top right of your screen.
  • Click 'Settings for [your organization]'.
  • Choose your profile picture. Upload your logo.

See also, How do I add our logo, and what are the specs for uploading a logo?

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