Fix payments to lift a billing suspension

If your Complyfile service is suspended because your monthly payments failed, resume your service like this:

1. Find out why payments failed

Look for a message in your email or your Complyfile dashboard saying why your payments failed. For example, maybe your credit card expired or you reached your monthly credit limit the day we charged your card. If the message doesn't give a reason, ask your credit card company or bank what went wrong. If possible, have them fix the problem—for example, by raising your credit limit.

For help, see Why payments fail

2. Update your Billing settings

Next, restore your primary payment method in your Admin console in one of these ways.

Click one of the following for steps:

Update an expired credit card

If your account is suspended because your credit card was expired when we tried to charge it, resume service by updating the card's expiration date in your Admin console.

  1. 1.Sign in to your Complyfile Admin dashboard.
  2. Follow links to temporarily reactivate your subscription (if that option is still available). Then click Update Payment Info.
  3. At the top of your Billing page, click Billing settings.
  4. Scroll to Available payment methods, locate the expired credit card, and click Edit. Do this before clicking any other link to pay your amount due.
  5. Update the expiration date and save your changes.

You're not done yet. After completing these steps, it might take us a few hours to reactivate your service.

Fix a declined payment method

To resume service by using a payment method that declined Complyfile's charges:

  • Contact your credit card company or bank to find out why our charges were declined. Fix the problem so the account can now be charged. For help, see Why payments fail.
  • Sign in to your Complyfile Admin dashboard.
  • Follow links to temporarily reactivate your subscription (if that option is still available). Then click Update Payment Info.
  • At the top of your Billing page, click Billing settings.
  • Scroll to Available payment methods, locate the disabled payment method, and in the red bar click Fix it.
  • Do this before following any other link to pay off your amount due.
  • Check the box to confirm you resolved the payment issue with your bank or credit institution.
  • Click Continue to go back to Billing settings.
  • You're not done yet. After completing these steps, it might take us a few hours to reactivate your service.

Add a new credit card

To resume service after a suspension by switching monthly payments to a new credit card:

  1. Sign in to your Complyfile Admin dashboard.
  2. Follow links to temporarily reactivate your subscription (if that option is still available). Then click Update Payment Info.
  3. At the top of your Billing page, click Billing settings.
  4. Scroll to Your selections and click Add a new payment method.
  5. You will be taken to our payment provider's secure webpage, Stripe.
  6. (Important) Check the box to make this your Primary payment method.
  7. Click Save.

You're not done yet. After completing these steps, it might take us a few hours to reactivate your service.

Add a new bank account

To resume service after a suspension by switching monthly payments to a new bank account, click below for exact steps in your location:

I'm in the US

If you add a new bank account to lift your suspension, we can't resume your service until we can verify the account is yours. If your account is in the US, this can take several days. To make automatic payments with a US bank account but resume your service now, we recommend doing this:

  • Add a credit card now to lift your suspension (see above).
  • Pay off your balance to resume service right away (see below).
  • Add your bank account separately and start the verification process. When the bank account is verified, switch automatic payments from the credit card to your new account. For details, see Reassign your primary payment method. [link to URL: Reassign your primary payment method]

I'm in the UK

  • Sign in to your Complyfile Admin dashboard.
  • Follow links to temporarily reactivate your subscription (if that option is still available). Then click Update Payment Info.
  • At the top of your Billing page, click Billing settings.
  • Scroll to Your selections and click Add a new payment method.
  • Select Bank account and enter your bank account information.
  • (Important) Check the box to make this your Primary payment method. Then click Verify.

You're not done yet. After completing these steps, it might take us a few hours to reactivate your service.

I'm in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, or Spain

  • Sign in to your Complyfile Admin dashboard.
  • Follow links to temporarily reactivate your subscription (if that option is still available). Then click Update Payment Info.
  • At the top of your Billing page, click Billing settings.
  • Scroll to Your selections and click Add a new payment method.
  • Select Bank account and enter your bank account information.
  • (Important) Check the box to make this your Primary payment method. Then click Verify.

Wait a few minutes (or up to an hour) for us to verify that this is your bank account. Then go back to Billing settings, scroll to your new bank account, and accept your mandate by clicking Download Mandate.

You're not done yet. After completing these steps, it might take us a few hours to reactivate your service.

3. Pay off your balance

After updating Billing settings to restore your primary payment method, you can resume service right away by paying off your balance. Otherwise, it can take us a few hours to reactivate your account.

You might get charged twice: Note that if you pay off your balance now, our system might still complete the automatic charge later, resulting in a double charge. If this happens, we'll apply any leftover credit to your next payment.

  • Under Billing settings click the link to pay your amount due.
  • Under Make a payment, use the primary payment method you just restored to pay off your amount due.

Payment successful? You'll know that your primary payment method is restored if your payment goes through. If instead the payment fails, you'll need to restore the payment method again in your Admin dashboard console.

Tip: If you can't restore your primary payment method yet, resume service temporarily by using another payment method to pay more than your mininum amount due. Specifically, pay your current outstanding balance plus enough extra credit to last until your primary payment method is fixed. If you don't add enough credit to cover costs that accrue before your payment method is fixed, your account will be suspended again.

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